
Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Family as a System

Family systems, what are they?  As a whole, most families work together as individuals to help each other in order for the family to function as a collective unit.  Within the family, there are often many subunits consisting of one or more family members (usually more than one).  Around each subgroup there can be different kinds of boundaries, ranging from open boundaries, like loose friendships, to more solid, "we are not friends," boundaries.  These boundaries define different systems within the family.
Also, we learned that often it is the way people define us that influences us to behave in certain ways, and that how we behave influences how others will define us.  A influences B and B influences A--but A doesn't cause B nor does B cause A.  In the musical, "My Fair Lady," Eliza Doolittle explains this concept when she informs Henry Higgins that, "the difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated," so often this is the case within families as well.
How we treat each other matters, whether the fruits of our success come immediately or with lots of patience, we need to treat our families with love and respect.

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